Sexual abuse: from denial to support
A sexual relationship involving a minor is one of the rare taboos in contemporary Western societies. Unfortunately, unanimous stigmatization does not lead to the disappearance of the practice. Despite the ethical agreement, it remains necessary to look into the question. And all the more so since strong emotion is not enough to produce effective prevention.
Despite the frequency of the phenomenon, Churches and their leaders are only just beginning to understand its extent and often appear helpless to deal with it. But repression and denial are not solutions. They prolong the suffering caused by the abuse. It is therefore better to learn about the typical psychological mechanisms of trauma, become aware of the principles necessary for beneficial support, and acquire clear biblical references.
Multiple questions arise: what are the warning signs of an abusive relationship? How should we react when we suspect her in those around us, including in the Church? Should we forgive unconditionally? Why didn't God intervene when we cried out to him? Does the Christian have the right to resort to the judicial authorities of the “world”?
These reflections are the fruit of the first “IBN Forum”, a day of reflection organized by the Institut Biblique de Nogent-sur-Marne in November 2014. The work offers the reader an enlightening guide which will help them in this area strewn with pitfalls. It relies on multidisciplinary skills, both exegetical and dogmatic, as well as psychological and judicial.
Collaborated on this work: Agnès Blocher, Fabrice Delommel, Lydia Jaeger, Émile Nicole, Elvire Piaget (†), Gladys Vespasien, Peter Winter.
Foreword - Lydia Jaeger
- First chapter. The rape of Tamar (2 Samuel 13.1-22) - Émile Nicole
- Amnon loves Tamar (v. 1)
- She bakes little hearts for her sick brother (v. 8)
- Get up, go away (v. 15)
- Conclusion
- Chapter 2 . Intrafamilial sexual abuse: living, not just surviving - Agnès Blocher
- Introduction
- I. Definitions and statistics
- II. Intrafamilial Sexual Abuse Clinic
- III. Specific support
- Conclusion
- Chapter 3. Sexual abuse: the judicial aspect - Interview with Fabrice Delommel
- Chapter 4. To speak or to be silent? What support can the Church offer? - Gladys Vespasien and Elvire Piaget
- 1. Various forms of support in the Church
- 2. Sharing Gladys Vespasien’s experience
- 3. Some operating rules for our discussion groups
- Chapter 5 . When child sexual abuse occurs in the Church - Peter Winter (pseudonym)
- Emotional trauma
- Problems appear
- Stifle reality
- Dealing with an abuser
- Effects on the Church
- Some practical lessons
- Chapter 6. Sexual abuse of children: theological benchmarks - Lydia Jaeger
- I. The horror of child sexual abuse
- II. Some places for theological reflection in supporting people affected by sexual abuse
- Some legal benchmarks
- Criminal offenses
- Reporting obligation and limitation periods
- Useful resources
- Selected bibliography
- Useful contacts
- Presentation of the authors
ISBN: 9782755003086