When Jesus died on the cross, it seemed that all was irretrievably lost: death had won over life. But after three days in the tomb, Jesus reappeared... alive! The news caused such a stir that the disciples did not believe it until they saw it with their own eyes.
The resurrection of Jesus changed the course of history.
Both authors examine the compelling evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ and what it means for us today.
About the author: Josh McDowell. Josh travels around the world helping young people and families deepen their faith and relationships. They have four children who are now adults. Founder of Josh McDowell Ministry in the United States, He is the author of more than a hundred books, including Much More Than a Carpenter (Campus for Christ edition), Am I a Good Father?, 10 Ways to Say 'I love you', Despite everything, From skepticism to faith.
Sean McDowell
ISBN: 9782722203563