Understanding the prophecy according to a literal, grammatical and historical interpretation
Since the Bible is God's revelation given in written languages, it is important to prioritize the biblical text itself to properly interpret it. To put it another way, our interpretation must be based above all on the firm conviction that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. This is why we sometimes speak of the verbal (the words) and plenary (all the words) inspiration of Scripture.
In this work, the author presents the so-called “literal, grammatical and historical” method of interpretation as the best approach to fully understanding the Word of God since it has the merit of letting the text speak for itself. He outlines the main theological conclusions drawn from the application of this method of interpretation in the field of biblical prophecy, and then uses them to demonstrate the distinction that exists between Israel and the Church in the course of progressive revelation. of God.
Author: Gilles Despins
ISBN: 9782924743232