Celebrated in joy, "for better and without worse", weddings nevertheless end one in three times in divorce, and this despite the virtual disappearance of social pressure in favor of marriage. Present throughout the world, the Churches cannot ignore this situation, which they encounter on their periphery as well as within them. With the feeling of being disarmed, they often hesitate between the intransigence inherited from the past and the pragmatism always suggested by humanity. And the testimony of Scripture often seems very difficult to gather. It is precisely to the examination of biblical data, with a view to a synthesis, that John Murray, "one of the leading figures of orthodox reformed thought of the 20th century," devotes himself in this book.
This volume is the reissue – revised and enriched with a foreword by Henri Blocher – of a text that has made history through its courage and precision. After a careful study of the key texts, the author illustrates his point with several concrete cases.
ISBN 9782735005345