Testimony and reflections of an engaged couple
“Some Christians go to church like they go to the supermarket... If participation is acquired, commitment is not necessarily achieved. You have to know what you are committing to, avoid constraints, stay at the proposal stage... Faith is no longer a life, it is a philosophy, a thalassotherapy treatment. Yet in many ways, this generation has much more going for it than ours. More flexible, more fluid, more participatory, it approaches situations without taboo, without ulterior motives, without hypocrisy. Uninhibited by authority, she is capable of taking initiatives, of breaking down barriers that our prejudices and presuppositions had set up. We need their wealth. We encourage them to move from the stage of critical spectator to that of engaged actor. »
Through the story of their experiences, the authors highlight all the enthusiasm and passion that the choice to give priority to the service of the Church can arouse. They show that such commitment is possible while simultaneously leading professional and family lives. Better yet, they illustrate how keeping one foot in active life allows us to remain as close as possible to the needs of the Christian community and society.
A truly stimulating approach to Christian commitment.
Author: Claude and Edith Granjean
ISBN: 9782863143551