Nature and character of God
“You will be holy, for I am holy,” God said to Moses. Even today, God calls his people to reflect him. That said, what does it mean to be holy? And, if God is truly holy, how can we know Him? Holiness has often been a misunderstood, even derided concept. Yet it is essential and describes a central aspect of who our God is and what he expects of us.
In this work of meditations, the author leads us to reflect on the holiness of God and the impact it can have on our lives. We will discover how we ourselves can grow in sanctification, “without which no one will be able to see the Lord”.
The Nature and Character of God series addresses in small, easy-to-access books the different attributes of the God of the Bible, in order to root us in who he really is, to fully reflect him and to worship him knowingly.
“I will give them a heart, that they may know that I am the LORD.” They will be my people, and I will be their God, if they turn to me with all their hearts. » (Jeremiah 24:7, NKJV)
Author: Guy Zeller
ISBN: 9782881503108