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Why do we no longer see “tears of repentance” in our churches? The answer is obvious: the “message of repentance” is practically non-existent. And yet, was not Jesus' first preaching at the very beginning of his ministry: “REPENT, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Mt 4:17; Mk 1:15).
The alarming observation of people who supposedly “accept Jesus as their Savior” but whose lives do not change has become a major problem in churches. So where is the fault? This is a false conception of faith. These “Christians” do have faith, but it is “without repentance”. And faith without repentance does not save or change anyone.
Jesus himself recalls this crucial truth in the following verse: “I tell you. If you do not repent, you will all perish equally” (Luke 13:5).
If the very foundations of a building are weak, this deficiency will dangerously affect the entire structure. We can compare the life of a believer, who has not experienced true biblical repentance upon conversion, to a house without a foundation. Sooner or later, it will collapse.
Much preaching today is superficial; they invite people to come to Christ, but without emphasizing the need for repentance. However, the priority of repentance is clearly taught in Scripture. Yet it is one of the most glorious and liberating experiences a Christian can have. It generates a complete and radical turnaround in the life of those who understand it well.
It is time to return to the pure, life-giving source of the Bible and examine what it teaches on this vital subject.

ISBN: 9782916461120