The Power of Recognition
The Power of Recognition
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The Power of Recognition

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365 Meditations to discover the impact of gratitude

Grateful people go through life more easily. I'm sure most of us agree with that. And yet we humans tend to see the negative first. The consequence is that we are often disappointed and unhappy.

Yet there are so many reasons to be grateful! In this book of daily meditations, Joyce Meyer will help you realize that God has already blessed you.

Train yourself to be grateful and you will see an extraordinary change in your outlook and attitude; which will make your life more joyful and lighter. You will suddenly discover all the good things God has done for you, even in the midst of sometimes difficult circumstances! This will make you stronger and give you more confidence in your daily life.

Meditate on this book daily, make gratitude your new habit, and let yourself be inspired by God's love!

Author: Joyce Meyer

ISBN: 9783948795092