Can joy be part of my life?

Can joy be part of my life?

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How can I find joy?

Western society values ​​the search for happiness and pleasure in ephemeral things. However, Christians are not called to a life of pleasures or a happiness that depends on circumstances or material goods, but rather to a life that is marked by deep and unwavering joy, even in difficult times. How is it possible ? Can we truly rejoice in times of sadness?

In this short book, RC Sproul examines references to joy in Scripture and highlights the importance of this Christian virtue in biblical teaching. Many people are desperate to find joy, but there is only one sure path to deep, lasting joy: a restored relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

RC Sproul's "Crucial Questions" series offers brief answers to important questions often asked by believers seeking to better understand biblical teachings.

Author: RC Sproul

ISBN: 9782924895344