"In evangelical spirituality, eternal life is one of the most controversial and difficult subjects to explain: we then accept it by faith [...] without more. However, in the Bible, we find, from the Genesis, many demonstrations of its existence [...]. To this end, this text will discuss another reading and another possible understanding of the descendants of Adam, written in Ge 5:1-32 , and in other biblical passages These, which present to us the existence of the antediluvian and postdiluvian patriarchs, must be considered taking into account scientific research on certain genetic and hereditary aspects. the latest scientific developments regarding DNA to better understand certain mysteries contained in the Bible, but revealed by God the Holy Spirit in his present earthly ministry to researchers like Robert W. Carter and Francis Sellers Collins. moreover, was the director of the project to decipher the human genome, between 1993 and 2003, and became a new evangelical Christian following the discoveries made during this still current enterprise. "
Author: Harold Collazos Cadena
ISBN: 9782414396658