This book deals with spiritual conflict with evil spirits.
Very concerned by the increase in the number of people requiring deliverance, especially new converts, and by the damage caused to the Kingdom by demons, Professor Fomum felt obliged to give a set of messages on the deliverance of the influence of demons and evil spirits, at the beginning of the work in Yaoundé.
This book is a compilation of these messages. Basing his book deeply on the Scriptures, the author notes that deliverance is based on the fact that the Lord Jesus, the Victorious King, stripped the dominations and authorities, made a public spectacle of them, and triumphed over them through the cross.
This manual is intended to be very practical. He will help you discern the presence of demons and help you and others to undertake deliverance and start a deliverance ministry in your congregation.
ISBN: 9782357740273