The Baptist Confession of Faith and Doctrine

The Baptist Confession of Faith and Doctrine

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In recent years, we have witnessed a real resurgence of interest in the Reformed faith in French-speaking evangelical circles. We have seen this interest materialize through a confessional approach among more and more Christians and Churches. The confessional approach does not consist only of personally confessing one's faith through doctrinal statements, but of doing so in concert with the Church.

The Church is not called to reinvent Christianity in each generation, but to confess from generation to generation “the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jud 3). It must transmit to new believers this heritage founded in biblical doctrine. Confessions of faith and catechisms that are part of recognized Christian orthodoxy are excellent educational tools for deepening and communicating biblical teaching.

In this collection, we present three documents which simultaneously integrate universal Christian doctrine, the essentials of the Protestant Reformation and the particularities of the Baptist faith. These documents are detailed enough to clearly communicate the fundamental articles of the Christian faith, without being exhaustive or overly detailed in all theological details.

Author: pascal Denault

ISBN: 9782925131021