God's clinic

God's clinic

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Emotional and Psychological Health at the heart of the word of God

I have been a mental health nurse for 20 years and “La Clinique de Dieu” was born from the cultural and spiritual clash between my Christian faith and the psychiatric world. I am attempting an approach to Scripture that illuminates God’s concern for our inner health. I am not proposing a therapeutic method but rather an invitation to reconcile the hand of God and the hand of man, and above all to learn to be listeners. My remarks are nourished by my professional experience and the accompaniment of numerous Christians in situations of psychological suffering and psychiatric decompensation. I have noticed that psychological suffering is disturbing and that those who suffer from disorders to varying degrees find it difficult to find help in the Church and hesitate to call on qualified professionals. For 15 years I have been running therapeutic workshops around the voice and I have developed care tools that combine the learning of vocal technique and listening to emotions with a view to reconciliation with our history.

Author: Abderrahmane Nahed

ISBN: 9791094017210