Bible Sower - An experience together: Rediscovering the New Testament

Bible Sower - An experience together: Rediscovering the New Testament

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Read the Scriptures in an original way!

The Bible, an experience together is both a new and old presentation of Scripture.

Anything that could distract from reading the text has been removed. You will be able to read the books of the New Testament as they were written. No chapters or verse numbers. No study notes. Also no chain references or section titles.

The size of the text and the single-column layout make reading clear and enjoyable.

The Bible, an experience together has been reorganized to help you see the story flow more easily.

The introductions to each of the books prepare you for a more in-depth reading experience. These “invitations to read” talk about the story “behind” the story, revealing the context of the book you are about to read.

Thanks to The Bible, an experience together. Rediscover the New Testament , explore the history of Jesus – his life and his teaching – and his Church in a different way.

Here is the order of the books:

  • Luke-Acts
  • Paul's epistles
  • Matthew
  • Hebrews
  • Jacques
  • Mark
  • 1-2 Peter
  • Jude
  • Jeans
  • 1-3 John
  • Apocalypse

The text, all the text, nothing but the text!

ISBN: 9782755003406