The Youth Study Bible
Open the pages of this Bible, and you will set off on a great adventure... one that consists of exploring and discovering the treasure contained in the word of God. You will regularly encounter the sections below:
Did you know ?
This section explains the most little-known facts of the Bible. Read all the Did you know? and impress your parents, friends and teachers with your knowledge.
Life in biblical times
Have you ever wondered what life might have been like in the time of Abraham, Ruth or Paul? Life in biblical times will explain it to you. All of these articles contain illustrations.
Let's live it!
God's word has a lot to say about how you should live. Let's live it! explains to you what the Bible says about your life today.
Words to remember
The best way to live for Jesus is to keep his Word in your heart. Learn the verses in this section by heart.
And also...
To better explore your Adventure Bible, read the introduction at the beginning of each book. It's like a map: it tells you about the book and guides you to your favorite stories. The index and concordance dictionary at the end of this Bible will help you find the information you need. Don't forget to also look carefully at the color tables that you will encounter throughout this Bible.
At the end of the Adventure Bible, you will discover eight color maps that will allow you to locate the major biblical events.
The Adventure Bible uses the text of the Bible in current French, particularly easy to understand for young people.
ISBN: 9782847002669