Church Orthodoxy

Church Orthodoxy

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Revelation is a book of signs and prophecies that reveals the ultimate destiny of many things, including the world, unbelievers, and Satan. Yet, more importantly, this book reveals the destiny and consummation of God's people, including the nation of Israel and the church. In The Orthodoxy of the Church , Watchman Nee unfolds the history of the church from the time of the Lord's ascension to the time of His return, explaining the prophetic meaning of each of the seven churches. presented in chapters two and three of the book of Revelation. His presentation contains historical details regarding the development of the church, clarity and spiritual insight to see the true state of the church. Finally, echoing the Spirit who speaks to the churches, he calls all believers, in simple and clear terms, to become overcomers in this present age.

Watchman Nee converted in China in 1920 at the age of seventeen and began writing that same year. His ministry spanned nearly thirty years and Watchman Nee clearly revealed himself as a unique gift from God to His Body for our time. In 1952 he was imprisoned for his faith and remained in prison until his death in 1972. His words remain an inexhaustible source of spiritual revelation and nourishment for Christians around the world.

ISBN: 9780736387996