The Psalmist cried out to God: “ Behold, you desire truth in the inner man, and you will make me understand wisdom in the secret of my heart ” (Psalm 51:6 Darby Version).
This book is about the School of Truth. It is about the truth in the inner man. It is about the truth in the secret of the heart. There is a lot of falsehood in the world today. Even in the Church, the truth is lacking. This lack of truth is a serious deficiency, because it greatly blocks God.
God cannot do anything useful through someone who, while claiming to be regenerated, continues to practice falsehood in any area of his life. No one can truly practice truth in one area of his life while deliberately continuing to practice falsehood in another. Falsehood must be completely and radically abandoned, and man must embrace the truth in his whole being: spirit, soul and body.
The truth thus embraced will flow from the spirit to the soul and then to the body; and from the body it will overflow. What most believers need today is to cry out to God as the Psalmist did who said: " Create in me a pure heart, O God! And renew within me me an upright spirit ” (Psalm 51:10 Darby Version).
This cry must come from hearts which have seen falsehood as it is, and which eagerly desire to be right with God, and which will remain right with God. Such hearts will cry out and continue to cry until God does what only He can do to set them free. As they cry and continue to cry to Him, they will cooperate with Him by recognizing every falsehood they have in their lives, confessing every lie, abandoning every appearance of falsehood, receiving from the Lord a purified heart, and making restitution. Thus, they will be enrolled in the School of Truth.
As they abide in the Lord and continue in this School, they will receive more and more light which will lead them to deeper repentance. Greater and greater work will be done in them, leading them into greater conformity to Him who is the Truth: our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
ISBN: 9782357740242