The authentic believer is part of God's family because God has adopted him into this family. Far from thinking that this is only a mystical and religious truth, the author sees adoption as the greatest blessing coming from God. The reason for this is that it contains and illuminates all the other blessings provided by the gospel of Christ.
Adoption is a bit like the metal frame that is hidden in the construction of a large building. Most often, we do not see it and we do not take it into account, but it is certain that the building would soon collapse if it were not there.
This book is not a simple manual on the doctrine of adoption. While presenting biblical truth with clarity and uncompromisingly denouncing the errors that disfigure it, the author has the genius to wrap everything in a very concrete style marked by everyday life. He likes to use familiar illustrations, which
gives his book a welcome warmth and a powerful source of encouragement.
The reader will be enriched by contemplating what God has done to bring his elect into his family by virtue of what the Lord Jesus Christ accomplished in his work as Mediator. The wonderful blessing of adoption lifts one's gaze toward a future filled with glory and bliss.
Author: Frank Allred
ISBN: 9782906287730