Jesus: the investigation

Jesus: the investigation

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Are there any reliable historical records to know whether Jesus is truly the Son of God?

Lee Strobel, a former Chicago Tribune justice columnist, traces his spiritual journey from atheism to faith by cross-examining a dozen experts, all with degrees from universities including Cambridge, Princeton and Brandeis, and authorities in their respective fields.

Strobel confronts them with questions such as whether the New Testament is trustworthy, whether there are historical traces of Jesus outside the Bible, whether there are reasons to consider the historicity of the resurrection.

Strobel's direct and persistent questioning makes this book a captivating reading experience like a lively novel. However, this is not fiction but a fascinating quest for the truth about one of the most irresistible figures in history. A surprisingly compelling book!

And you, what will be your verdict, after reading “Jesus: the investigation”?

“Lee Strobel clings with bulldog tenacity to the facts, until he proves the truth of biblical Christianity. »
Bruce M. Metzger, Professor Emeritus of New Testament at Princeton Divinity School

“Lee Strobel asks the questions of every deeply skeptical man. His book is so good that I read passages from it to my wife in the evening after dinner. Everyone who is looking should have it. »
Phillip E. Johnson, Professor of Law at Berkeley University, California

“Totally fascinating. I wholeheartedly recommend it to you. »
Ravi Zacharias, Ravi Zacharias Ministries

Lee Strobel, a master of law from Yale Law School, worked and won awards for thirteen years as a reporter for the Chicago Tribune and other daily newspapers. Today, the former spiritual skeptic serves in a pastoral teaching ministry in the Chicago suburb of Willow Creek .

Contents :

  • Foreword: Reopening the investigation of a lifetime

First part: the file

  1. Direct testimonies: Can we trust the biographies of Jesus? Interview with Professor Craig Blomberg.
  2. Verifying Firsthand Accounts: Do the Biographies of Jesus Stand Up to Close Scrutiny? Interview with Professor Craig Blomberg.
  3. Documentary evidence: Can we trust today the state of conservation of the biographies of Jesus? Interview with Professor Bruce Metzger.
  4. Confirmatory elements: What are the serious testimonies in favor of Jesus, apart from his biographies? Interview with Professor Edwin Yamauchi.
  5. What science says: Biographies of Jesus and archaeology: confirmation or contradiction? Interview with Professor John McRay.
  6. Elements of refutation: Are the Jesus of history and the Jesus of faith one and the same man? Interview with Professor Gregory Boyd.

Second part: analysis of the person of Jesus

  1. His identity: Is it true that Jesus was convinced of being the Son of God? Interview with Professor Ben Witherington III.
  2. His psychology: Was Jesus crazy for claiming to be the Son of God? Interview with Professor Gary Collins.
  3. Robot portrait of Jesus: Do we find all the attributes of God in Jesus? Interview with Professor DA Carson.
  4. His fingerprints: Is Jesus the only one to correspond to the figure of the Messiah? Interview with Louis Lapides, master of theology.

Part Three: Resurrection Research

  1. What medicine says: Death and resurrection of Jesus: pretense and hoax? Interview with Doctor Alexander Metherell.
  2. The disappearance of the body: Was Jesus' tomb really empty? Interview with Professor William Lane Craig.
  3. The apparitions: Have we seen Jesus alive again, after his death on the cross? Interview with Professor Gary Habermas.
  4. Circumstantial Evidence: Are there any historical facts supporting the resurrection? Interview with Professor JP Moreland.
  • Conclusion: The verdict of history. What the evidence allows us to affirm, and what it means for our times.

ISBN: 9782847003079