“Discipline is a subject that the Scriptures talk about a lot – but which contemporary authors have strangely kept silent. Kent Hughes fills a big void with this excellent book. As you read, you will be encouraged and constantly challenged. And if there is a spark of spiritual desire in your soul, this work will surely ignite it into a burning passion for the discipline of piety. »
– John MacArthur , pastor of Grace Community Church and bestselling author.
“This is one of the best books I have read... What an exceptional work... I can guarantee you that if you assimilate this book well, you will say goodbye to all vain speeches. »
– Charles R. Swindoll , president of Dallas Theological Seminary and bestselling author.
“Open Man of God, practice godliness , and find a person who takes seriously the biblical call to “fight your way into the Kingdom,” to strive to become holy like a gymnast, and to fight and sweating like a champ to get the win was the most refreshing thing my eyes could lay on. So thank you for your courage and swimming against the tide. May the Lord grant that your book will last long and that the truths it contains will be glorified and obeyed. »
– John Piper , pastor and bestselling author.
“Worker training is fundamentally character training. The apostle Paul exhorts Timothy to practice godliness (1 Timothy 4:8). We pray that God will raise up men of God, models to follow. This book is an excellent character learning tool for the training pastor and his protégé. Read it and share it with your mentor or coach. It will serve as your guide, from discipline to discipline. With the help of the Spirit, you will then be in the spiritual gymnasium, persevering in training, to become a man attached to God. »
– François Picard , director of the Evangelical Baptist Seminary of Quebec (SEMBEQ)
Kent Hughes is senior pastor of College Church in Wheaton, Illinois, and earned his doctorate at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School . He is the father of four children and the author of several books as well as the editor of the Preaching the Word series.
ISBN: 9782924110232