Pocket Guide to the Old Testament

Pocket Guide to the Old Testament

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Many of us know and love Old Testament stories and characters such as Joseph, Moses, and Jonah. But can we see the important connection that connects it to the teaching of the New Testament and to our experiences in the 21st century? This book ties together the thread of Scripture to help us become aware of the power of the Word of God when it is approached in its entirety.

The Pocket Guide to the Old Testament proves that faithful believers still bear fruit in old age, full of sap and verdant (Ps. 92:15). For what ? For they will not cease to “make known that the Lord is righteous.” He is [their] rock and there is no iniquity in him. » (Ps. 92.16)
Timothy Keller
Senior Pastor, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York City

It is a great honor for me to recommend the guide you hold in your hands – although, quite frankly, the work it presents speaks so well for itself that it hardly needs my approval.

D.A. Carson
Professor and New Testament Scholar, Trinity Evangelical Theological School, Deerfield, Illinois

Foreword by Tim Keller – Afterword by DA Carson

The Irishman John Alec Motyer (1924-2016), Doctor of Divinity, was a famous commentator on the Bible. He was dean of Trinity College , Bristol.

ISBN: 9782722202382