Have you ever observed the concentric circles that adorn the cross section of the trunk of an oak tree? Each ring reveals a moment in the history of the tree's development. It is possible to distinguish a year of terrible drought, the mark of lightning, or the trace of a fire which almost decimated the forest.
Our lives are like trees. Behind the protective shell of our appearance are engraved the past circles of our experiences, our thoughts and our emotions. There are painful memories that affect our feelings and change the way we see God, others, and ourselves.
The Guide to Healing Emotional Wounds gives you the tools to examine the different circles of your history and heal the painful scars that cripple your emotional life. You will find in this book:
- David Seamands' book mixing advice, true stories and anecdotes
- Food for thought and practical applications
- Meditations on texts from the Bible
- Invitations to prayer
The original book Healing Emotional Wounds: First published in 1981 and since translated into 15 languages, has helped hundreds of thousands of readers around the world honestly and successfully confront their inner wounds. Through David Seamands' biblical and realistic approach, you too can find healing and become, in turn, a help to people who are suffering.
David Seamands is a pastor and author, a pioneer in the field of Christian counseling which emerged in the United States in the 1960s. He was one of the first to popularize a therapeutic approach integrating the discoveries of psychology and a pastoral based on Christian theology. Translated into 27 languages, his works are now classics which continue to bring help and comfort to thousands of readers from all walks of life.
Beth Funk has worked as a therapist for around fifteen years. She is the director of a group therapy ministry in California.
ISBN: 9782863143063