Science and faith: a conflict?
“Science and faith: a conflict? » was written after “Genesis, cradle of history”. These two works are Francis Schaeffer's response to those who have criticized his refusal to identify with a narrower vision of the biblical creation story. Excerpt from the preface by Udo Middelmann
Why republish the texts of a man from the 20th century? This is because it is not just anyone: born in 1912 in the United States, Francis Schaeffer died in 1984, after years of interdenominational and international influence. Author of several works whose relevance and intellectual solidity are still appreciated today by many, he is also known for having founded the community of L'Abri, a place of welcome, reflection and study important for many young and old, during his stay in Europe.
His meditation on the first chapters of Genesis helps us discover unsuspected riches in these founding texts, and his analysis of the relationship between science and faith provides useful points of reference. A thought worth confronting at least once in your life!
Author: Francis Schaeffer
ISBN: 9782826032434