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10 studies to follow alone or in a group

Bible guides for everyone

The Bible Guides for Everyone can be used alone or in a group. They are designed to help you understand the Bible in a new way, under the guidance of one of today's leading New Testament scholars. Through the reflection questions, prayer suggestions, and information on the historical and cultural context of the texts they offer, these guides will help you move toward a richer understanding of the biblical message and the Christian life.

What should God's people do? Unite despite our diversity, or tear ourselves apart? Seek inner freedom or façade control? The answers are at the very heart of the epistle to the Galatians. As a Pharisee, Paul was adept at using religion to exclude and coerce others. Then he received the incredible good news of freedom and unity in Jesus Christ. His letter to the Galatians forcefully corrects the deviations of those who seek to impose religious rules on the people of God and to destroy the freedom and unity offered by the Lord. Let us read, study and proclaim the truths recorded in this epistle to give full force to the good news of the death and resurrection of Jesus.

Authors: Sandy Larsen, Dale Larsen and Nicholas Thomas Wright

ISBN: 9782755004038