The great importance of the divine institution which is the Christian home, together with the need for instruction on this practical and primordial subject, has led me to Preface write the following pages for the periodical "Grace and Truth", where they appeared in 1939. Many, having appreciated them and having declared that they had been blessed by them, asked that they be brought together in book form. This brochure, revised and expanded, is published with the hope that it will respond to a real need and will be blessed by the Lord in many homes, for his glory and eternal praise.
Much of its content has been gleaned from various writings dealing with this vast subject. The author is therefore indebted to many of the thoughts that will be found there, and in particular to the excellent work of IA von Poseck: “Light in our Dwellings”.
Aware on the one hand of the vital importance of the subject, and of what it is easier to say than to do, while on the other hand realizing his own shortcomings and the limitations of his experience of life family, the author presents this set of reflections and insights as what appears to him to be God's teaching with regard to the Christian home.
This writing is more necessary than ever, in these days when the abandonment of divine institutions and the denial of the order and will of God are increasingly asserted.
R.K. Campbell
Wausau (United States), January 1972.
ISBN: 9782884582087