" You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its flavor, with what will we restore it?
Jesus said to his disciples. Are Christians faithful ambassadors of the One whose name they bear? Do they always present a fair image of God to those who do not know him? Based on numerous concrete examples and what he himself observed in various evangelical churches, Scott Munger shows that, unfortunately, believers often tend to transmit a false vision of God to those around them. But he doesn't stop there: he encourages us to return to the truth of Scripture to check if we see things as its Author sees them.
Formerly an atheist, this science and literature graduate who lives in the United States also explains in a very honest manner the path that led him to believe in the existence of God and to know him personally.
Discussed subjects:
- atheism
- the Church today
- spiritual leaders
- religion and politics
- predestination
- the problem of evil
- the Salvation
- authentic Christian life
Author: Scott Munger
ISBN: 9782940335497