Gospel - Rediscovering the revolutionary power of Christianity

Gospel - Rediscovering the revolutionary power of Christianity

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Invest some time in reading this book. –Timothy Keller

Have evangelical Christians lost sight of the gospel? In his book, JD Greear reveals how the gospel has been eclipsed by moralism and legalism in even the most conservative churches. Gospel cuts short superficial religiosity and reconnects the reader to the revolutionary message of the acceptance of Christ offered to sinners. The gospel is the power of God and the only true source of joy, freedom, radical generosity, and bold faith. The gospel gives birth in the believer to what religion has never been able to give rise to: a heart that desires God.

At the heart of the book is “gospel-centered prayer,” which is a powerful tool for being saturated with the gospel daily. Abiding in the gospel will deepen your passion for God and lead you to new heights of obedience. Gospel offers you a captivating and practical view of God's redemptive work.

“JD presents the gospel in a clear, humble and humorous manner... If you aspire to invest yourself faithfully in the mission, to open your arms while standing firm, this work will encourage you. »
Mark Dever, senior pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church and author of The Church: A Health Check

“I thank the Lord for my friend JD Greear and for his call to root our lives and our churches firmly in the fertile soil of the gospel. This book will help you recharge your batteries daily in God's infinite grace as you live your life for His infinite glory. »
David Platt, author of Follow Me: A Call to Die. A call to live

JD Greear is senior pastor at The Summit Church in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina, one of the fastest growing churches in North America. He holds a doctorate in systematic theology from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Additionally, he lived and worked among Muslims in Southeast Asia for two years. JD and his wife have four children.

Contents :

- Foreword
- Introduction
- How the gospel accomplishes what religion cannot

- The lost gospel
- Why religious change doesn't work
- Prayer focused on the gospel

- The gospel as a gift of justice
- Transformed without command
- God is better
- Transformed by sight
- Gospel-centered relationships
- Extravagant generosity
- Urgent task
- Expect big things
- " But otherwise... "

ISBN: 9782924110836