The Gospel message in a few key verses
Segond 21
We all ask ourselves these kinds of existential questions one day or another: why am I on earth? What is the meaning of my life ? Why the evil, the suffering? Does God exist? If so, how to find it? But perhaps the question that torments us the most concerns the afterlife: is there life after death? If so, where will I spend my eternity? Do heaven and hell exist? The Bible, which presents itself as the Word of God addressed to men, answers these questions. The heart of his message is called the Gospel, a word which means “good news”. This is the best and only true news there is: the Creator lets us know that he loves us, that he calls us to know him, to receive his forgiveness and eternal life!
This work presents the divine message through a selection of biblical verses. They are arranged so that everyone can understand it, appropriate it and accept it, if they wish.
ISBN: 9782608129994