What happens when you are born again
When Jesus told Nicodemus, “You must be born again,” the pious and learned religious leader was not sure he understood what Jesus meant. It seems that nothing has changed.
The term “born again” has been devalued in the Church. Those who claim to be born again live lives that are indistinguishable from those of others; they sin the same way, embrace injustice the same way, lust the same thing, do almost everything the same way.
Being “born again” is now defined by what people say they believe. The New Testament, however, defines this term very differently.
“When Jesus told Nicodemus, “You must be born again” (John 3:7), he was not sharing interesting and unimportant information. He was leading him to eternal life... If He does this for you (or if He has already done it), then you are (or will be) truly, invincibly, finally alive. »
John Piper
John Piper was born in the United States in 1946. He has been a retired pastor since 2011. Holder of a doctorate in theology from the University of Munich, he taught biblical exegesis at Bethel College in Saint Paul, Minnesota (United States) . He is the author of more than thirty books, including several bestsellers. John and his wife have five children.
Author: John Piper
ISBN: 9782924944134