Paul encourages his disciple Timothy to proclaim the word "on every occasion, whether favorable or not"... However, it is clear that in the West, for more than two centuries, the Christian Church has neglected this exhortation. Its one-sided horizontal humanism has bulldozed biblical transcendence and, with it, a proper appreciation of reality.
Imagining that there is no future, our contemporaries therefore embark on the quest for personal satisfaction, while the answer lies where they no longer seek.
The author of this book does not propose a religion, but invites a thoughtful Christianity, based on the Bible, the Word of God, which allows us to know God himself and Jesus Christ, the Lord, who reconciles with life, and who will return to take possession of a renewed cosmos.
Professor emeritus of the Jean Calvin Faculty of Aix-en-Provence, Paul Wells takes the reader through the pilgrimage he made, for around forty years, one chapter per year. He explains how he discovered that it is possible to combine faith and life, intelligence and spirituality, the service of God and that of neighbor, in a holistic vision of the world in constant renewal.
Over the past forty years, many of us have read and appreciated the writings of Paul Wells. Here is a selection of forty articles, covering an impressive diversity of subjects: exegesis, in-depth presentation of biblical themes, questions of apologetics. Paul Wells, who expresses himself clearly and directly, without indulging in jargon, thus communicates with a large evangelical audience. Its readers will gratefully appreciate being thus helped to structure their thinking, to renew their understanding of the Word and, thus, to deepen their love for its author, the God of Jesus Christ.
ISBN: 9782905464989