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Elijah the Tishbite: a man from his side who would become an important prophet of God. The fierce and emaciated prophet from the obscure village of thischbé became God's powerful instrument of confrontation.

Like a meteor, he illuminated for an instant the inky blackness of Israel's spiritual night. - J. Oswald Sanders

Alone, Elijah faced more than four hundred prophets of the false god Baal and won the victory. Yet at another point, a woman terrified him so much that he ran away for his life. He was the man to whom God sent ravens to feed him. A man whom God loved so much that he prepared a special chariot and horses of fire to transport him from earth to heaven. He was Elijah: the man in the middle of the whirlwind, the humble hero.

Like Elijah, we are all subject to times of courage, and times of fear. One day we face life with a smile; the next day, we collapse under its oppressive weight. We constantly waver between courage and cowardice, between hope and despair.

Like Elijah, we are ordinary people overwhelmed by problems that seem insurmountable. And the answer is only found in God, as the name Elijah indicates so well: it means the Lord is my God.

Join us now to hear the intriguing story of the prophet Elijah as only Charles Swindoll can tell it. And learn to be humbly heroic.

ISBN: 9782921335805