In Babylon/Babel, God inaugurates a new stage of his plan of salvation. Where once men had built a tower to reach heaven, God descends to reveal himself. Rather than plunging them into the confusion of languages, he enlightens them about himself. Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar and Darius receive visions and witness wonders. They discover the grace and justice of God. It is the beginning of the time of the nations.
This commentary presents a historical, literary and prophetic analysis of an exceptional book. He notes the parallels with the story of Babel, Joseph and Ezekiel. It highlights the similarities and contrasts with Revelation.
The prophet Daniel is a model of faith. He also witnesses detailed visions of the end times. The book of Daniel reveals the sequence of the kingdoms of the world, the activity of the Antichrist, the duration of the tribulations of the saints, and the description of the Messiah. This commentary attempts to explain the book's multiple puzzles in light of the whole. It shows how the bilingual aspect of the text (Hebrew-Aramaic) unites the book and explains it.
Daniel Arnold taught at the Emmaus Biblical and Missionary Institute for 33 years. Many subjects fascinate him, including the narrative texts of the Bible. He wrote eight biblical commentaries (Judges, Ruth, Elijah, Elisha, Esther, Daniel, Jonah, Gospel of Mark) and a work on Christian ethics. His doctoral thesis (2014) analyzes the literary structures of Daniel .
ISBN: 9782940488353