Does the Christian faith make sense?
Has reason overcome your belief in God?
From the Christian tradition, you no longer go to church?
Disappointed by religion, have you rejected God?
Have science and skepticism replaced your need for God?
You are trying to answer life's big questions:
Where can I find authentic fulfillment?
Can I hope for real justice?
How can we explain this feeling of deep dissatisfaction?
It is time to look again at the question of God.
We live in an era that values rationality, progress and the right for everyone to determine the meaning of life and its goals. Does the notion of God or a higher power make sense? Does faith or religion have any value to offer?
Timothy Keller, pastor and author, invites the reader into deep reflection. It offers a thoughtful philosophical journey allowing skeptics, and all those interested in the Christian faith, to form an idea of the validity and value of God's existence.
God, the essential debate highlights the deep value and importance of Christianity. What if the latter provided us with unparalleled resources to answer questions related to fulfillment, personal freedom, justice and hope?
ISBN: 9782358431309