Is God homophobic?

Is God homophobic?

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Sam Allberry is a Christian and pastor in his local church. Sam is also attracted to people of the same sex.

He is aware that the Church has not always been able to react well to homosexuality and answer the questions we ask ourselves: does the Bible really prohibit homosexual marriage? Is it fair to oppose couples who love each other and are simply in agreement with who they are? Is God really homophobic?

You have friends who are attracted to people of the same sex, or perhaps you are in this case yourself: this book is for you! The author clearly explains what the Bible says about marriage, sexuality and same-sex attraction. He delivers a message of hope and compassion to everyone.

Sam Allberry is a pastor at St Mary's Church, Maidenhead, UK. He is also a speaker for Ravi Zacharias International Ministries.



  1. For starters, the Bible, marriage and sex

  2. The Bible and homosexuality

  3. Homosexuality and the Christian

  4. Homosexuality and the Church

  5. Homosexuality and the world


ISBN: 9782924595275