Women pastors? The answer to this question is diverse in the church groups of contemporary evangelical Protestantism. Some have clear-cut positions and refuse any female pastoral ministry, others accept it without reservation, still others leave freedom of choice to local communities. Three texts from the apostle Paul – 1 Corinthians 11.2-16, 14.26-40 and 1 Timothy 2.8-15 – continue to intervene in the debates, which mainly revolve around the “creational order” which governs the relationships between the men and women. Then there is the explicit prohibition of teaching that he addresses to women in 1 Timothy 2.12... This book seeks to evaluate the different understandings of these biblical texts, by analyzing their context, both literary and historical, then it attempts to define their proper application in the Western world of the 21st century.
About the author: Jacques Buchhold is dean of the free faculty of evangelical theology in Vaux-sur-Seine. He is also a professor of New Testament. He directs the Terre Nouvelle collection published by Excelsis. Along with Sylvain Romerowski, he is one of the architects of the Sower study Bible. The introductions, section notes, footnotes and appendices are the subject of translation contracts in 7 languages. The Dutch version was launched on the market at the end of November 2009 by the Jongbloed publishing house in Heerenveen (Netherlands) under the name “Bijbel in perspectief”.
ISBN: 9782755005202