De Socrate à Jésus

From Socrates to Jesus

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Socrates and Jesus, two agitators of consciences: Socrates proposes non-knowledge as a prerequisite for philosophical astonishment. He is the wise man who, through his self-emptying, was able to achieve the inner peace to which so many of our contemporaries aspire. He pushes his interlocutor so that he fully assumes his human condition. Jesus exhorts us to a completely different path of wisdom. It does not compete with philosophy and does not offer more efficient thinking to achieve serenity.
For him, inner peace is not won at the cost of detachment from the passions of existence. Rather, it encourages perseverance despite failures and disappointments. He calls for reconciliation and the abandonment of resentments. With him, what seemed marked with the seal of the impossible becomes the possibility of being. There is certainly an analogy between Socratic interiority and the process of faith.
But Jesus was not a wise man. There is something absurd and unreasonable in Christ's message. Rémy Hebding invites us to meet these two awakeners of lives, so close and yet so different.

ISBN: 9782356140906