The Church, if it wants to be faithful to its mission, must turn to Scripture. THE sola scriptura Protestant (Scripture alone) does not give all the answers for all circumstances. On the contrary, it presupposes that the Church can be mistaken and that it must constantly return to the Bible. This return to Scripture requires being aware of one's own questions, of its context, but also of the fact that the Church is part of a history, the history of the project of reconciliation and restoration of a broken creation. . We are not the first readers of the Bible: asking new questions also requires knowledge of old questions and old answers.
The first part of this work establishes links between the reading of the Bible and its implementation in the life of the Church with a view to its mission. The second part presents studies concerning practical issues debated within and between the Churches, such as the contribution of missionary work to the understanding of the Bible, the multicultural Church, the role and place of women in the Church and the role of the contemporary State of Israel in God's project.
Authors: Frédéric de Coninck, Neal Blough, Jean-Claude Girondin, Antonio Gonzalez, Linda Oyer, Paul Solomiac, Michel Sommer
ISBN: 9782755002836