The brave hero whose light shone in the darkness. In many ways he was an absolutely extraordinary man, intelligent and full of faith.
No other biblical character before him had the gift of inspiring his people and leading them to such heights of strength and glory. And yet, he was also a man like any other, often driven by a destructive passion, shaken by his chaotic family situation and his personal tragedy.
How could this deeply human man become the unforgettable national hero of God's chosen people? In this captivating book, David's life gives hope to us all.
It shows us that we can be pious despite our imperfections, that God loves us despite our weaknesses and that he can accomplish wonders through men and women like any other whose lives are totally dedicated to him.
Swindoll does not idealize David's life: he made big mistakes and endured devastating trials, but he remained faithful to his God.
ISBN: 9782921335782