Do apologetics? An entire program ! Apologetics is the demonstration, in word and deed, of the faith we have received in Christ. Apologetics is firstly about listening to others and understanding their worldview. Indeed, it is only by listening to our contemporaries that we will be able to explain to them the reasons for believing.
Apologetics has been undergoing a renaissance for several years. Despite everything, the question of what it is remains. Is it only a philosophical exercise or a form of pre-evangelization? Or is it much more than that, a way of living that requires a lifelong commitment?
Yannick Imbert suggests returning to a biblical consideration of apologetics in order to better discern its definition and practice. This practice highlights the place of each person in daily apologetic commitment, but also underlines the role of the Church as being the apologetic that God uses for the proclamation of his Good News.
ISBN: 9782755002096