Discover and realize God's dream for our lives
God has a dream for our life...
…but we risk giving up too soon if we don’t understand the process God uses to make that dream come true.
The Bible is full of stories of people whose God-given dreams came true. By studying their stories more closely, we realize that each of them had to go through the six phases of faith. Each phase is a test of our faith.
The process God uses to grow our faith:
- Phase 1: Dream —God places an exciting dream in our hearts.
- Phase 2: Decide —We make the decision to pursue our dream.
- Phase 3: Wait —God allows delays to prepare us for the dream.
- Phase 4: Facing Challenges —We face challenges that build our character.
- Phase 5: Facing Impasses —Our situation becomes impossible.
- Phase 6: Experiencing Liberation —God miraculously makes the dream come true!
Knowing these six biblical phases of faith will bypass that incessant question: “Why is this happening to me?” » It will give us the necessary impetus to cooperate with God in his process of growth towards us and our faith.
Author: Rick Warren
ISBN: 9782889670345