Contact between the Bible and my story

Contact between the Bible and my story

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When those around you face problems, you want to offer them real hope and relief from the Word, rather than easy answers that have become religious platitudes.

Contact is an easy-to-read, insightful guide that teaches us how to weave together the web of Scripture and our own personal history.

The author applies the biblical text to all dimensions of life and does so with great seriousness. It combines the best methods of Bible study with theology and "biblical counseling" to help suffering people be radically transformed by Jesus.

This book is a wonderful resource for anyone who wants to know how to navigate the often murky waters of personal experience. It will be perfect for any believer and anyone in ministry.

If you long to apply the Bible to your life or to help others develop such a desire, then you will enjoy this book!

ISBN: 9782890821668