We can think that with experience, God's will becomes clearer and clearer. This is true to a certain extent: the more we spend time with a person, the more we know the person of God and the better we perceive his thoughts. But at the same time, we can say that the more we grow in faith, the more God lets go of our hand so that we exercise our responsibility more.
We sometimes cultivate the idea that God gives us immediate, precise indications as to the decisions we have to make in life. Blaine Smith leads us on a more difficult, but more realistic and safer path.
He addresses with great wisdom the crucial distinction between issues that are ethical - where right and wrong are at stake - and morally indifferent questions, such as many of our daily decisions and choices.
By its seriousness and clarity as well as by its essentially practical character, this book is recommended to every Christian who is not satisfied with an easy and deceptive path but sincerely seeks the will of God.