How do you respond to your parents if they criticize you unfairly? To a colleague, who spreads false rumors to get you fired? To a teacher who harasses you mercilessly?
The classic reaction to such mistreatment is to go berserk and reciprocate. But, according to John Bevere, punishment and revenge are not your prerogatives. They belong to God.
It's absolutely unnatural - to look on without flinching as your torturers get away with it, apparently, with impunity. But, if you abandon justice to God, he promises: that he will defend you and justify you, that he will bless you abundantly, that your strength of character will increase and that you will develop "your spiritual muscles".
Abuse is also not an excuse for anger or self-defense. Rather, it’s a great reason to “dance, squeal, and party in your soul.” When you give up the "right" to settle your scores, to allow God to take care of it, you have placed judgment in safe hands. It frees you from the poison of resentment and bitterness, opening your heart to more power, for the regenerated existence you are left to imagine.
Author: John Bevere
ISBN: 9782383912187