Your women's Bible is back with new looks! Several extras as well. You will notice the words of Jesus in turquoise. The version of the Bible is now the Louis Segond 1910.
The Women Listening Bible is a personal invitation to draw on biblical texts, to discover through themes that are dear to you, a fresh, dynamic and current vision of the feminine faith.
The Women Listening Bible is:
An editorial team made up of French-speaking women who share with each of us an experience, a vision and a desire to love and serve God anchored in the 21st century.
A unique personal guide to daily meditation.
Your primary reference in preparing small group studies.
52 portraits of “women to discover” so that every week you meet a woman from the Bible and, with her, you grow in faith.
Over 400 “windows,” one for each day of the year, to help you practically apply Bible truths to your personal situation.
Introductions to biblical books that will guide your reading and thinking.
Challenges so that your reading produces change in you.
A simple reference system. All you need to do is search for the specific subject that concerns you in the “Do you have a question?” pages. » within these seven important sections:
the wedding
the art of parenting
subject of personal interest
for single
spiritual life
the world of work
ISBN: 9782895761846