Study Bible with Parallels - Black

Study Bible with Parallels - Black

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Segond NEG (1979 Geneva)

Soft cover, fiber leather, gold edge, tabs

A reference study Bible in a lightweight format (cut tabs)

As a worthy heir to the translation of the Bible proposed in 1880 by Louis Segond, the Segond NEG version published in 1979 left its mark on French-speaking Protestantism.
On the occasion of its 40th anniversary, here is a new range from the so-called edition
“parallel”, appreciated by many.

This edition allows you to compare different passages dealing with the same subject or complementary ones, thanks to the 80,000 biblical references listed in the central column.
It also offers detailed introductions to the biblical books, a glossary,
an alphabetical index of places,
a concordance, tables and maps in color, without forgetting generous margins which make it easier to take notes. So many useful elements for a personal study of the biblical text.

ISBN: 9782608143693