Aimer son conjoint en toutes circonstances [Broché] Surmonter les situations difficiles dans le couple Auteur : Gary Chapman

Loving your spouse in all circumstances

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You entered life as a couple with great hopes and plans for happiness. You didn't expect to suffer so much!

Millions of couples struggle in hopeless marriages. But the story doesn't have to end there. Dr. Gary Chapman writes: “I am certain that in every difficult marriage, one spouse can take positive steps that will change the emotional climate within the couple. »

This book will help you:

  • identify and reject the myths that hold you captive;
  • better understand your spouse’s behavior;
  • take responsibility for your own thoughts, feelings and actions;
  • make choices that will have a positive and lasting impact on you and your spouse.

Experienced marriage counselor, Gary Chapman provides specific solutions for different cases: lack of communication, verbal and physical abuse, infidelity, depression, addictions, immaturity, etc.

Marriage can also be a wonderful adventure, learn how to turn things around!

Gary Chapman is the director of a counseling firm. Educated at Moore Bible Institute, Wheaton College, he received his doctorate in philosophy from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
He is the author of numerous books on helping relationships, the best known of which is The Languages ​​of Love published in 1992 by Farel.

Contents :

  • Introduction
  1. Calls for help
  2. An honest look at divorce
  3. Living in reality
  4. The power of love
  5. Understanding our hidden ego
  6. The irresponsible spouse
  7. The workaholic spouse
  8. The dominating spouse
  9. The spouse who does not communicate
  10. The spouse who uses verbal violence
  11. The spouse is physically abusive
  12. The spouse who is the victim or perpetrator of sexual abuse
  13. The unfaithful spouse
  14. The alcoholic or drug addict spouse
  15. The depressed spouse
  • Epilogue

ISBN: 9782863144770