Welcoming the stranger with Christ

Welcoming the stranger with Christ

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Author: Vincent Morvan

Migration is at the heart of concerns and debates. Our Western societies most often present them as problems, without questioning their deeper meaning and their part of hope. Vincent Morvan has studied in depth the question of hospitality towards foreigners and proposes to understand the issues by addressing four interdependent dimensions:
• Christian theology of hospitality, to understand the relationship between the Triune God and the stranger throughout redemptive history;
• The Christian ethics of hospitality, to live hospitality as a Church and in our homes while remaining centered on the Gospel;
• The Christian spirituality of hospitality, to cultivate our communion with the Triune God and thus be able to welcome the stranger and walk with him;
• The Christian missiology of hospitality, to accomplish our mission in our society and among all peoples.

People from a wide variety of nations are found in our cities. Let us fulfill with faith, love and hope, within this humanity on the move, the mission entrusted by Jesus Christ to the Church. And this, until the day when we take part in this celestial vision of divine hospitality: “I saw an immense crowd that no one could count. They were men from every nation, from every tribe, from every people, and from every language [...] and they cried with a loud voice: 'Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne and to the Lamb'” (Revelation 7:9-10).

ISBN: 9782362494680