Author: Alfred Kuen
The collection “At the sources of our faith” aims to demonstrate the continuity between the old and the new covenant.
What is Abraham's contribution to this? Why was he called “the father of believers” and “the friend of God”? The Scripture says, “Abram trusted in the Lord (believed in the Lord), and therefore the Lord declared him righteous” (Gen 15:6). This verse, cited three times in the New Testament (Rom 4.3; Gal 3.6; Jas 2.23), shows us that justification by faith, the fundamental doctrine of the new covenant, does not date from the New Testament, but from the first book of the 'Old Testament. The example of Abraham shows us how to be “declared righteous” before God and how to become “his friend.”
Besides this fundamental lesson, Abraham has many others to teach us for our life of faith. The purpose of this little book is to remind us of them.
ISBN: 9782940488087