52 manières de prier pour vos enfants

52 ways to pray for your children

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Author: Jay Payleitner

We know our children and we love them. Then you have the qualities required to pray for them!
Prayer is effective. It changes situations. Isn't that a good reason for us parents to turn to God for the wisdom, direction and words we need...And why not teach our children to do the same?

Jay Payleitner, bestselling author and longtime intercessor for his five children, shares here 52 lively, richly illustrated ways to talk to God about the issues that matter most to us.

Certainly, you know how to talk with your children and you sometimes reprimand them when necessary. It's good. Now what if you spoke about them to the One who created them and loves them even more than you? Better yet, why not invite them to join you in prayer? You will see wonderful results.

ISBN: 9782847002997