365 days in the heart of the world

365 days in the heart of the world

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Set your heart on fire for the lost.

We live daily in the heart of the world, and the heart of the Church towards the lost has grown cold, even frozen. Everyone lives motivated by their own interests and the fulfillment of their dreams. Now, God also has a dream, and he is calling you to enter it.

Through this book, God wants to warm your heart. This book will burn you. It will burn your fingers and it will burn your heart. If you are serious and sincere with God in this adventure of faith, your old man will not come out unscathed. If you submit to His work in you as you read this book, you will experience a new passion and fire for God, for His work and for His interests.

This book is a prophetic call for the entire Church, a divine invitation to respond to its call to shine in the heart of the world. Will you answer yes?

Author: Annabelle Sourdril and Jérérmy Sourdril

ISBN: 9782981291950